Missouri Senators Late Hours Heading Towards Break

Jefferson City, Mo. (KFMO) - Missouri Senators are keeping late hours in Jefferson City as they head towards spring break.

The State Senator for the Third District, Mike Henderson, says there are plenty of bills to hear on the floor of the senate.

Henderson explains some of last week's Senate highlights include Senate Bill 63 which seeks to repeal and establish provisions relating to participation of certain students in nontraditional educational settings, Senate Joint Resolution 33, that would, with voter approval, establish provisions relating to reproductive health care, and Senate Joint Resolution 31, which, if approved by Missouri voters, would modify provisions relating to taxation.

Missouri's legislative break takes place from March 14th to March 24th when legislators return for the second half of the 2025 session. KFMO will be broadcasting from the House Rotunda as the second half of the session gets underway Tuesday morning, March 25th.


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