Hammers Arrested for Child Porn

(Farmington, MO) A man from Farmington, 22 year old Joshua Hammers, is facing charges of one count of promoting child pornography and 5 counts of possessing child pornography. The charges follow an investigation by members of the Highway Patrol's Division of Drug and Crime Control’s Digital Forensics Investigative Unit and the Missouri Digital Forensic Center. Hammers was arrested Wednesday, January 12th after investigators executed a search warrant at Hammers’ residence on Hyler Drive in Farmington. As a result of the search, investigators located child pornography on his cellular telephone. Hammers was arrested and transported to the St. Francois County Jail where he was booked under a $250,000 bond. The investigation by the Division of Drug and Crime Control is ongoing. The Division of Drug and Crime Control encourages Internet users to promptly report to the Patrol, or local law enforcement, anyone who attempts to engage in unwanted, inappropriate, or sexualized communications with children.


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