Dinkins Feral Hog Control Bill

(Jefferson City, MO.) The next step for a feral hog control measure, sponsored by 144th District State Representative Chris Dinkins, could involve some kind of compromise with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Officials with the MDC are enacting a new rule on feral hog control this month. Dinkins says the regulation would place strict guidelines and prohibitions on the use of night goggles and thermal imaging to hunt the hogs and that's exactly what her bill would allow. Dinkins says the measure was approved with no compromises when it went through committee so she doesn't understand why MDC officials want to talk with her now.

Depending on what happens during discussions between Dinkins and Missouri Department of Conservation Officials the bill could move on. If it does the next step would be for the bill to go to an executive session. If it passes there it would go to a rules committee and then on to the house. The issue has been heating up in the area of the Mark Twain National Forest and in Jefferson City as no end to the feral hog problem is yet in sight.


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