C0000000528202502 Local News
(Bismarck, MO.) The Bismarck Freedom Fest is underway in Bismarck with live music, and other attractions, as everything gets ready for the 4th of July celebration to peak with a fireworks display tonight. The Bismarck Fire Department presents the event each year and one of the organizers, Sally Colwell, says it takes a lot of work and dedication.
Colwell also says the parade will line up at 9 a.m. next to the churches on Veterans Drive. Other parts of this year's Bismarck Freedom Fest include a jalapeno eating contest, various food and crafts vendors, silent auctions, a watermeoln eating cvontest, and more. Music will feature Buddy Dees and the Cruisers, Levi Barton, Those One Guys, and Deja Vu. Fireworks will begin around 9 o'clock.